The Park of Love

Is a place where everything that is within our pure being is brought out, triggering feelings that have lain hidden. It serves as a kind of energy amplifier that leaves no one untouched. The way it affects people is individual, and always the
best for the person experiencing it, in order for them to make it home, to Love.

Welcome to Park of Love!

Armastuse park oja9

Acceptance of the past point

Acceptance of the past point

Plants and trees require roots to grow and thrive, and so do humans. These roots give us a sense of security and inner peace, but we must embrace them and accept the past as it was. By seeking to understand the decisions of previous generations of our family without judgement, we can reconnect with our roots and live a more peaceful life. As we do this, we notice that the need for blame decreases and our inner peace grows. Everything we've gone through has been necessary; pain is often the result of ignorance and judgement. This point acts as a portal to reactivate the past, allowing us to reconcile with it.

New feminine energy point

New feminine energy point

This point helps to activate the pure feminine energy that resides within each person. This energy is trusting, flowing and free from shame about who we are. Because pure feminine energy has been suppressed for so long, allowing it to surface is essential. Trying to fix or direct our feelings or visions won’t really help, as pure feminine energy doesn’t need that. Instead, this energy within us is simply waiting for permission to be exactly as it is, regardless of the situations that may bring up those feelings. Accepting what is, despite the fear and desire to escape it, brings about a sense of peace and love. The tree that represents this energy has two branches, with limbs reaching towards each other, symbolising a desire to become whole again. The stream of water flowing between the branches represents the tears of the suppressed woman.

‘I am’ point

‘I am’ point

This point reconnects us with our true essence and understanding of ourselves and our purpose, which we frequently overlook out of fear, believing it to be unrealistic. As feelings and visions related to our fears arise, it is tempting to suppress them in order to avoid the pain they cause. However, when we allow those feelings to exist and stop avoiding them, the truth begins to emerge.

New masculine energy point

New masculine energy point

This represents the third eye, a steady and constant energy that exists regardless of what is going on around us. Developing the third eye enables us to embrace our feelings (feminine energy) without panicking or fleeing from them. When we learn to observe and accept our emotions, love comes naturally. The masculine energy accepts the feminine exactly as she is, giving her a safe space to move freely. This point has been overlooked for far too long and is ready to be rediscovered.

Old masculine energy point

Old masculine energy point

A man who experiences emotions and wishes to escape them may feel compelled to take action because he believes that being in touch with his feelings is a sign of weakness and shame. Weak men are frequently pushed aside, creating a culture in which expressing emotions is frowned upon. This creates a situation in which men disconnect from their emotions, and when they try to “fix” things in the world based solely on impulse, they frequently end up exhausted and burnt out because there are always more problems to solve. In this state, a man may hesitate to allow feminine energy into his life, instead trying to compensate with material things, such as cars, houses, success and money, which do not provide true happiness. This point stimulates that energy, encouraging us to consider whether this approach is truly making us happy.



The energy of water is always new, always on the move if unhindered,
teaching us trust.



The energy of fire can be dangerous and frightening, but it can also help you if you be friend it.

Natural sacred sites in the Park of Love

We invite you to connect with the healing power of nature. The grounds contain a variety of natural energy points that can resonate with different aspects of you, assisting you in your personal growth. Each day brings a new experience, so the connection you feel will always be unique, allowing for new insights and energy to guide your journey.
Free of charge

The Love point

The point where all other points converge. It embodies the essence of feeling. The feeling of love.

The Love point

We invite you to connect with the healing power of nature. The grounds contain a variety of natural energy points that can resonate with different aspects of you, assisting you in your personal growth. Each day brings a new experience, so the connection you feel will always be unique, allowing for new insights and energy to guide your journey.
Free of charge

The point of the feeling of Love is the point where all other points converge. It is a feeling—the feeling of Love.  

Park map

The stream, as a symbol of femininity—flowing, vibrant, and gentle—conveys the essence of womanhood that moves without obstacles and adapts, finding its own path.

9 symbolizes the space that water needs to flow. It represents energy that remains still, regardless of how intensely and unexpectedly water moves within it. It is like the highest understanding and the unconditional acceptance of everything that is.

The touch of nature is always open and ready to share, unconditionally, exactly the touch that a person needs.
You don't need to reserve it

Artificial touch

In addition to the natural energy points, the Park of Love also has artificial energy points that are ready to support you on the path to Love.

The smoke sauna

The smoke sauna played an important role in the life of our ancestors. There they treated the sick and gave birth and promoted their health. It was a place with
traditions passed down from mouth to mouth – a sacred place. Võrumaa’s smoke
sauna tradition is also included in the representative list of UNESCO’s spiritual

The love park smokehouse was built in 1934. During the renovation works in 2024, the sauna received a new roof, foundation and lower rows of logs. The heater and the sewage also got a new lease of life, which instead of originally flowing into the soil, is now led into the waste water tank.

Sauna heating lasts about 5 hours, depending on the weather, and the temperature is between 60 and 70 degrees. The heat in the sauna is moist and aromatic, suitable for a smoke sauna. The sauna can accommodate 3-4 people at the same time.

There is no live fire or smoke in a ready-made sauna. The heat is provided by about 2 tons of earth stones, which are heated during the heating process.
The water comes from its own well. Hot water can be obtained from the boiler, and cold water can be obtained either from the tap or from the cold water barrel.
There are zinc sheet bowls in the sauna for washing and a bamboo brush for whistling.

In between taking a steam bath, you can take care of yourself under the energy pillars in the Park of Love and in this way, in addition to cleaning your physical body, you can also touch the subtler levels.

Next to the sauna, there is also a hot tub filled with cold water where you can cool off if necessary.
The sauna will be ready at 15:00. Other times can be arranged separately if necessary. The sauna is at its best for about 2 hours.

Introduction video and photos of the sauna​

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Sauna ritual under the guidance of a sauna woman

The sauna ritual is a smoke sauna experience guided by a sauna woman, where the main purpose of entering the sauna is to relax and reconnect with oneself. The smoke sauna offers cleansing not only for the body but also for the mind, spirit, and soul, with effects that last longer than those of a regular sauna session.
During the ritual, the sauna woman uses not only words and sounds but also the aid of various medicinal herbs, and sometimes ash, salt, or other natural salves—always choosing what each guest needs most.

The 90-year-old renovated sauna at the Park of Love accommodates up to 4 guests, providing a safe and cozy space that invites one to embark on a deep inner journey, if desired. The sauna ritual lasts about 3-4 hours, during which we go through several rounds inside and outside the sauna together. If desired, we can create a sauna environment tailored specifically for you or with a particular intention in mind. Every sauna ritual is unique.

Saunawoman Maia

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The sauna has always been important to me, but the realization of just how significant it truly is came only recently. While learning sauna wisdom under the guidance of Helen Moppel, I experienced the full potential of the sauna space and fell in love with the smoke sauna. It’s a place where I feel the most authentic version of myself. In creating sauna rituals, I can combine my love for the sauna and medicinal plants, offering others a space to pause and take a moment to connect more deeply with their inner wisdom.

Meditation cave

Uncover the you buried deep within yourself in the meditation cave. Shut off from the rest of
the world, the cave is a very simple space. It features a platform made of old goods pallets
on which you can assume your preferred position. You also have the use of a fireplace.
Water is available from the well in the yard.

Introduction video and photos of the Meditation cave

Coming soon

Barn loft

Price: 27 euros per night

You can sleep in the barn loft just like our ancestors used to. Nestled among the hay of this early 20th-century barn loft, you can make a cosy nest that suits your needs and provides warmth and comfort.

Dark rooms: Fire and water

An effective way to connect with your deeper essence is to immerse yourself in darkness and silence. This way, you can look into the mirror of your inner feelings and begin to explore the part of yourself that truly drives you in life – your emotions. As other emotions fade, love may begin to emerge.

The dark rooms ‘Fire’ and ‘Water’ are inspired by the energies of the masculine and feminine, embodying their contrasts. These spaces are adjacent to each other to allow for energetic exchanges between men and women. Couples can spend a few days together, resting and observing. In the silence and darkness, anything can happen… and relationships can transform.

The dark rooms were built using the knowledge and skills passed down from our ancestors, combined with modern technology. They’re nestled between the massive clay walls of a barn from the early 20th century, with modern heating and ventilation providing a comfortable space for self-reflection. The rooms have underfloor heating and a ventilation system that recycles heat and humidity. Take a look at the introductory video for a better idea of what to expect in the rooms and how to make the most of your time there.

7-day dark room retreat for one: 342 euros

7-day dark room retreat for a couple: 540 euros (in separate rooms)

Other sacred sites and energy pillars and their distance from the Park of Love.

Nature is full of sacred sites and sources where you can recharge and cleanse yourself. Here are some sites that have made an impact in various ways.


4 km from Puka

Arula emaläte

8 km from Puka

Lake Pühajärv and Pühajärv hiking trail

15 km from Puka

Otepää energy pillar

18 km from Puka

Helme spring

29 km from Puka

Helme doctor’s spring

29 km from Puka

Helme caves

29 km from Puka

Taevaskoda sandstone outcrop

65 km from Puka

Võhandu river valley

73 km from Puka


Oja 9, Puka, 67217 Otepää municipality, Valga County

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